This article was originally published on 18 Aug 2020 by The Data WA Team
The Capture WA program coordinates the capture, procurement and delivery of location data for public sector agencies to help save government money by combing buying power and avoiding duplication. Operating under the key principle of 'capture once, use many', the program covers a broad range of location data, innovative products and online services.
To complement the traditional aerial capture program and to help maintain the WALIS Revision cycle, the Capture WA program, has funded two satellite imagery services, available free to government until March 2022:
- Urban Centres – regularly updated 50cm imagery over urban centres with a population exceeding 200. Provided as an online service only, no offline cut available. A metadata service is also available, which includes capture dates of imagery.
- Vivid 2.0 – static 50cm colour balanced mosaic captured predominantly between 2017 - 2019. Also available as a once off offline copy for internal business use. A metadata service is also available, which includes capture dates of imagery.
WA government agencies can access the services for free in the online map application or as WMS & WMTS within ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro or QGIS using the assigned login details, once a license agreement is signed.
The services are for non-commercial use only and can be incorporated into external facing applications that support government business, as long as it is a view only within the external facing application.
Contact to arrange for a license agreement. Once the license agreement is signed a username and password will be provided to access the services.
For further detail visit the Capture WA website, read the satellite services information document, or email